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Auteur: Bibiphoque 
Date:   20-02-2006 13h39

Qqu'un connait ce groupe ? C'est pas vraiment du trip hop, mais ca y ressemble pas mal. Je l'ai découvert sur une compil (samsung chillout) et depuis je suis acrro.
Si qqu'un a des infos, des albums à conseiller, qu'il n'hésite pas ! (pour l'instant je sais qu'il est norvegien, c'est tout)

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 Re: Flunk
Auteur: Spetznaz 
Date:   20-02-2006 15h08

Hello !

Flunk est effectivement un groupe norvégien qui a pour le moment quatre albums à son actif :

"Play America"
"Morning star"
"Treat me like you do"
"For sleepyheads only"

Pour le reste voici quelques infos (en anglais malheureusement) mais ça peut quand même aider :-)

Flunk are:

ULF NYGAARD Programming, vocals. Started his musical career in the
early nineties, and was signed to PolyGram in 1995 with folk&røvere,
a trip hop inspired boy/girl duo singing in Norwegian. The original
female voice was Beate Slettevoll Lech (who in 1998 went on to form
her own band Beady Belle). Ulf has made five folk&røvere albums, the
latest includied one of the biggest Norwegian hits of 2003, rewarded
with two Norwegian Grammy nominations. Founded Flunk around new year
2000/2001, taking a break from folk&røvere.

JO BAKKE Guitars, bass and more. Quit school to play rock1n1roll
in the early ninities (he´s come to his senses and is back studying!),
and stuck together with three friends who landed a big time deal with
Sony Music Norway as the Happy Campers in the mid ninties. The quartet
got their own London studio in 1997, and left Oslo. They released
material through Ninja Tune, and worked with a variety of well known
English names - and the band´s front man Ola Haampland produced the
first two folk&røvere albums. Jo released two house 12-inches on Guidance
Recordings with Antenna after returning to Oslo - working with former
Happy Campers drummer Erik Ruud in 2002. He is also working together
with Ulf in folk&røvere.

ANJA ØYEN VISTER Vocals. Started off in a girl band, later recorded a
cover of a Beatles song in the legendary Abbey Road Studios for her
ex-boyfriend´s band in 2001. Anja has been working on solo material for
some years, and more or less accidentally ended up doing vocals on the
first Flunk track to be released. This was winter 2001. In effect, she
became the Flunk lead singer from the very first session.

ERIK RUUD Drums. Associated member, and full member of the Flunk live
squad. More or less the same story as Jo - staying together through Happy
Campers to Antenna. Erik also plays percussion in Ulf´s folk&røvere project.

Flunk history:

NEW YEAR 2000/2001: Sessions in Oslo with Ulf and Jo. Uncertain when the
Flunk name materialised, but in the beginning it was meant to be an
instrumental/sampled vocal project with no particular ambition. And certainly
no record deal.

WINTER 2001: Got signed for a track on a compilation on Beatservice Records,
and the label manager Vidar Hanssen was so impressed that he soon signed the
«band» for an album.

SUMMER 2001: Most of the debut album was recorded in early summer. Most tracks
were laid out before singer Anja was involved, she came in and improvised and
the songs were taken from there. Then Jo would add his layers of guitar. Still
it would take almost a year until the album was completed and released.

SPRING 2002: Flunk released their debut single - a cover of New Order´s classic
anthem, «Blue Monday», in April. The track received a lot of attention in the UK,
and has been used on a load of compilations, both in Europe and the US.
Debut album «For Sleepyheads Only» was released in late April. Great reviews in
Norway. The band were invited to do a BBC recording session in London for the
Radio 1 show «The Blue Room», and made their UK live debut at the Notting Hill
Art´s Club. Flunk are also signed to Guidance Recordings in the US.

SUMMER 2002: The debut album got raving reviews in some of the British
electronica magazines. The band played Norway´s finest rock festival in July.

AUTUMN 2002: US version of «For Sleepyheads Only» released in October. The band
went to London to play London Jazz Festival in November.

2003: «For Sleepyheads Only» still being released in variuos parts of the world.
Special editions released in Russia and Greece. Beatservice Records released
«Treat Me Like You Do - For Sleepyheads Only Remixed» in June. The band worked on
the second proper album all year, and went to Paris to record in October.

2004: The «Morning Star» album finished in March. Release in Norway in May, the
rest of the world in June.

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 Re: Flunk
Auteur: Nafy 
Date:   21-02-2006 11h25

Salut !

J'ai "Morning star" de Flunk et je le trouve terrible ! Je le conseille vivement à ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore ce groupe :)



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 Re: Flunk
Auteur: Bibiphoque 
Date:   21-02-2006 12h12

Dans le meme registre (et toujours dans la compil Samsung chillout), j'ai bien accroché sur JAKATTA. Pour moi c'est du trip hop. Ca vous dit qque chose ?

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 Re: Flunk
Auteur: Max 
Date:   21-02-2006 16h18

Tiens, je ne connais pas Play America ni Treat me like you do (?!)

Ce sont des cds complets avec les memes membres du groupe ?

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 Re: Flunk
Auteur: Gabyu 
Date:   23-02-2006 01h30

jakatta, c'est plutot lounge, a la 'afterlife', d'ailleurs, c'est ce groupe qui a composé pour la bof de american beauty, si je ne m'abuse.

quant à flunk, l'une de mes preferées est "six seven times', si ici quelqu'un adore aussi cette zique, qu'il me fasse signe, il se pourrait on "tilte" sur d'autres musiques phares d'autres groupes ...


treat me like you do est une collection de rmx d'autres albums de flunk, si j'ai bien compris ... 'à confirmer'

Message modifié (23-02-2006 à 01h31)

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 Re: Flunk
Auteur: Rainbow Teardrop 
Date:   23-02-2006 23h25

L'album de remix de Flunk c'est Play America si je ne m'abuse.

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 Re: Flunk
Auteur: Simon 
Date:   24-02-2006 21h36

pq flunk ne pourrait il pas etre apparente à du trip-hop?

le site officiel ici

je viens egalement de le decouvrir un peu par hasard, tres tres bon...

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 Re: Flunk
Auteur: Rainbow Teardrop 
Date:   24-02-2006 22h06

En tout cas Flunk est chroniqué sur ce site :

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